Friday, October 1, 2010

Yesterday, and today's resulting "hangover"

Mom had a huge day yesterday--she put on real clothes and left the house for the first time.  She had planned to just put on a bathrobe to go to her check-up but was feeling so good she got out of bed and instead donned yoga pants and a zip-up hoodie.  It's funny, it's not that her state of recovery had improved that much, but she just looked more recovered wearing sweats as opposed to a hospital gown.  She must have felt that way, too, because she started walking around trying to clean things up and we had to order her back to bed to wait until Dad got home to pick her up.  The appointment itself was uneventful, and reports were that everything is progressing as it should. 

When Mom got back, she installed herself on the downstairs couch and napped for most of the afternoon, and then made her way back upstairs around dinnertime.  She felt good all day yesterday, and got up and down by herself several times.

Consequently, she has a bit of a "hangover" today from all the activity.  She's very sore and can't quite get comfy.  I'm back to DC and real life today, but I'm guessing she will be asleep most of the afternoon.

She has loved hearing from everyone.  We hold a traditional summer camp-style mail call every afternoon to read her cards, texts, and emails, but we're still trying to keep a "no visitors" policy--she loves y'all all but it makes her so tired to do just about anything, even talk.  Don't worry, as she gets stronger and stronger, we're going to have to beg y'all to come keep her entertained, but she's not up to social visits just yet.

I'm signing off for now--updates will probably be more intermittent from now on since I will be back to work and out of the loop for immediate reports on how she's feeling, what she's eating, and the potential substitutes Dad is suggesting for medical equipment, but please feel free to comment or email, we pass everything on to Mom. 

1 comment:

  1. Anne, Mary Claire, Anna, Jack and the 'village support team' I have laughed and cried along this journey...remarkable and ardent. Anne, this is truly a tribute to the beautiful family you and Jack have created and with whom you are traveling on this trek up to the summit of recovery. My heartfelt wish for continued progress and hope that one day you all can look back on these days as a miraculous and extraordinary event ...the challenging moments and events becoming a blur--kinda like childbirth was...but no question that the outcome a blessing and a moment of Grace. All my love to you all. Looking forward to hearing more progress reports and I hope one day to meet your beautiful and wondrous family. (^_^) ...sending lots of laughter and joy in the days to come
